TOEIC lesson 11: Flight Ticket


In this lesson, your tutor will help you go over a type-5 question from a TOEIC speaking test. Your tutor will read the question to you, and you have 60 seconds to answer on your own.

Test Question

Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

Question 10

In your response, be sure to:

  • show that you recognize the problem
  • propose a way of deal with the problem

(Tutor: read the text to the student. The question is not presented to the student in the actual test)

Hello. This is Bill Gates. I booked a round-trip ticket that is valid for 3 months from Singapore to Munich through your travel agency a month ago. I’ve already used the one-way ticket from Singapore to Munich on July 14th, and the return flight to Singapore is scheduled on October 10th. The problem is that I got in a big car accident in Germany and my doctor advised me to stay in the hospital in Munich for another month to fully recover before boarding an aircraft. The earliest day she suggested is October 31st, which means the ticket may not be valid by then. I need to rebook the return flight on October 31st or later and wanted to check whether this is possible with my ticket. Please let me know what my options are as soon as possible. You can reach me on my cell phone at (213) 123-4567.


How did you do? Use the following pointers as a guideline to refine your answer.

  1. Make note of the key facts
    • Who is calling? Bill Gates
    • Why is he callingHe had an accident and has to stay in Munich for another month.
    • What is he asking for? He wants to rebook his return flight to Munich from Singapore on October 31st or later.
  2. Come up with a solution
    • Say who you are: Hello, Mr. Gates. This is XXX calling from the Ace Travel Agency.
    • Say why you are calling: I am calling regarding your voice message.
  3. Repeat the problem: You said that you have a round-trip flight ticket to Singapore from Munich that is only valid until October 14th, but you had an accident and need to stay in Munich until October 31st.
  4. Repeat the request: You want to change the date of your return ticket to October 31st or later so that you can make a full recovery from the accident.
  5. Propose a solution:
    • In general, the tickets cannot be used after it has expired.
    • However, you have a medical problem, which is a different story.
    • It looks like we can rebook your return ticket on October 31st, so I will go ahead and reserve your seat.
    • Please send a letter from your doctor to us by fax and we’ll change your reservation.
  6. Wrap up: If you have further questions on this issue, you can reach me at (123) 456-7890.

Sample Answer

Reading great sample answers is one way to improve. Go over the sample answer with your tutor. Ask questions if you have any.

Sample Answer

Hello, Mr. Gates. This is XXX calling from the Ace Travel Agency. I am calling regarding your voice message. You said that you have a round-trip flight ticket to Singapore from Munich that is only valid until October 14th, but you had an accident and need to stay in Munich until October 31st. You want to change the date of your return ticket to October 31st or later so that you can make a full recovery from the accident. In general, the ticket cannot be used after it has expired. However, you have a medical problem, which is a different story. It looks like we can rebook your return ticket on October 31st, so I will go ahead and reserve your seat. Please send a letter from your doctor to us by fax and we’ll change your reservation. If you have further questions on this issue, you can reach me at (123) 456-7890.

Further Study

Got more time? Here is a list of common vocab words related to the text you studied today. Go over each one with your tutor.

Additional Expressions

valid until~ (idiom) acceptable; usable until ~
e.g. My passport is valid until May 24th.
round-trip (n) a trip to a place and back usually over the same route
e.g. It’s a 50-mile round-trip to my parents’ house.
(re)book (v) to make arrangements so that you will be able to use or have something at a later time
e.g. I booked a table at our favorite restaurant.
board (v) to get into or onto (an airplane, a bus, a train, etc.)
e.g. You must have a ticket in order to board the train.
aircraft (n) a machine that flies through the air
e.g. He went on a new military aircraft.
reserve (v) have or keep something for possible use at a future time
e.g. This table is reserved for someone else.
statement (n) a message that is declared (oral or written)
e.g. This is his first public statement about the investigation.
confirmation (n) check to see if something is correct
e.g. We don’t have independent confirmation of the facts.
medical condition (n) a disease, illness or injury
e.g. Her medical condition worried doctors at the time. 
recovery (n) return to original state
e.g. The patient made a miraculous recovery.

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