2-33. You’d better call me every 5 minutes


Repeat after the tutor. 

  • You’d better exercise every day.
  • We’d better learn English now.
  • She’d better prepare her presentation.
  • They’d better pay more money.
  • This test had better be easy.
  • You’d better not laugh in the church.
  • He’d better not cheat on the test.
  • They’d better not call the police.
  • I’d better not make a mistake.
  • We’d better not be late.
  • You’d better leave.
  • You’d better give up.
  • You’d better study English.
  • He’d better run away.
  • She’d better call me now.


Here are some grammar tips. 


Go over the following vocabulary and expressions with your tutor. Use the illustration above if needed.

Vocabulary/ Expressions

Expression Definition
church (n) a building that is used for religious services
e.g. We’d better go to church tomorrow morning. 
undo (v) to open or release (something) : to change or stop the effect of (something)
e.g. You’d better try to undo your mistake. 
 mistake (n) something that is not correct : a wrong action, statement, or judgment 
e.g. You’d better not make a mistake on your test.
repercussions (n) something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an action, statement, etc.
e.g. You’d better learn from the repercussions of your mistake. 
cast away (phrasal verb) to leave (someone) alone somewhere (such as on an island) as a result of a storm, shipwreck, etc.
e.g. You’d better not leave me here, I’ll be a cast away
alternative (n) something that can be chosen instead of something else : not usual or traditional
e.g. You’d better have an alternative option for that. 
satisfy (v) to cause (someone) to be happy or pleased
e.g. This meal had better satisfy me. 
glorious (adj) having or deserving glory, fame, or honor
e.g. He’d better realize how glorious his painting is. 
detail (n) a small part of something

 e.g. You’d better tell me all the details of the story. 
gourmet (adj) often describing high-quality or exotic ingredients and skilled preparation: gourmet meals; gourmet cooking.
e.g. You’d better serve me a gourmet meal tonight. 


Go over the following exercise with your tutors. 

  1. Make a sentence.
    1. give / you’d / up / better / .
    2. study / you’d / English / better / .
    3. a / find / better / we’d / job / .
    4. better / you’d / me / hire / .
    5. forget / better / our / not / you’d / anniversary / . 
  2. Correct the following sentences. 
    1. They’d better work hardly.
    2. You’d better not be cry.
    3. He’d better not calls me again.
    4. She’d better not touching me.
    5. You’d better not stole my ring.
  3. Answer the following questions.
    1. He’d better not _____. Finish that sentence with 3 different alternatives. 
    2. What are 3 things you’d better not forget? (use “I’d better not”) 
    3. What are 3 things you’d better pay for? (use “I’d better”)
  4. (Homework) Write a paragraph.
    1. Write 10 sentences using the grammar you learned today.
    2. Undo: If you could un-invent something, what would it be? Discuss why, potential repercussions, or a possible alternative.
    3. Seconds: Describe the most satisfying meal you’ve ever eaten, in glorious detail.


Go over any new expressions or vocabulary that you learned today.

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