0-42. How much money do you think I have?


Repeat after the tutor. 

  • How much time do you think I have?
  • How much milk do you think they use?
  • How much water do you think they have?
  • How much information do you think they provide?
  • How much money do you think we make?
  • How much fun do you think I had?
  • How much coffee do you think I drank yesterday?
  • How much food do you think she ate?
  • How much pain do you think he endured?
  • How much sugar do you think we consumed?
  • How much weight do you think he can lift?
  • How much fat do you think this exercise can burn?
  • How much energy do you think this machine can produce?
  • How much money do you think we should invest?
  • How much time do you think your boss will give you?


Here are some grammar tips. 


Go over the following vocabulary and expressions with your tutor. Use the illustration above if needed.

Vocabulary/ Expressions

Expression Definition
abstract (adj) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
e.g. How much effort do you think I put into abstract thoughts?
hang (v) suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free
e.g. How much strength do you think I have to hang from the monkey bars?
ear (n) the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this
e.g. How much noise do you think I can hear with my ears?
radiation (n) energy transmitted in waves or a stream of particles
e.g. How much radiation do you think is coming off of the nuclear power plant?
kick (v) strike or propel forcibly with the foot
e.g. How much strength do you think I should use to kick the soccer ball?
vaccine (n) a preparation containing bacteria or viruses that is given usually by injection to increase protection against a particular disease
e.g. How much protection do you think the vaccine will give me against disease?
navy (n) the branch of a nation’s armed services that conducts military operations at sea
e.g. How much skill do you think you need to have to enter the navy?
dam (n) a barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level
e.g. How much water do you think the dam can hold back?
sad (adj) feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy
e.g. How much hardship do you think she went through to make her so sad?
permit (n) an official document giving someone authorization to do something
e.g. How much work do you think it takes to get a driver’s permit?


Go over the following exercise with your tutors. 

  1. Make a sentence.
    1. was / feeling / how / anger / much / you / think / do / she  
    2. she / how / makes / do / money / much / think / you 
    3. do / how / power / much / king / the / has / you / think
    4. do / think / how / ate / much / food / you / I
    5. think / space / how / do / much / space / planner / the / event / needs / you
  2. Correct the following sentences. 
    1. How much corruption do you think the governments is responsible for?
    2. How much destruction do you think the war will creating?
    3. How much writing do you think I can do in won day?
    4. How much shopping do you think the boys doing?
    5. How much weight do you thinking the family lost?
  3. Answer the following questions.
    1. How much work do you think it takes to learn a new language?
    2. How much money do you think you spend on food each week?
    3. How much time do you think you spend on chores each day?
  4. (Homework) Write a paragraph.
    1. Write 10 sentences using the grammar you learned today.
    2. How much work do you think it takes to learn a new skill? Write a paragraph about something new that you learned recently?
    3. Practice: Imagine you are making a big purchase, such as a car or a house. Think of three “How much” questions that you would a sales associate to find out details about your potential purchase. 


Go over any new expressions or vocabulary that you learned today.

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